When and how to study the nesting biology of Indian birds: Research needs, ethical considerations, and best practices


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The nesting biology of a bird species is likely the most important component of its life history and it is affected by several ecological and environmental factors. Various components of avian nesting biology have proved to be important traits for testing fundamental ecological and evolutionary hypotheses, and for monitoring the efficacy of biological conservation programs. Despite its significance, the nesting biology of most Indian bird species is still poorly understood. The past few years have, however, seen a significant increase in the number of submissions to Indian BIRDS, of observational studies of avian nesting biology, which promises an exciting new wave of ornithological natural history research in India. Although there is great need for such research, there are several biological, legal, and ethical aspects to consider before studying bird nests through direct observation or by using new technological and digital monitoring techniques. Here, we outline the merit and need for studying the nesting biology of birds in India, but also suggest best practices, specific to the Indian context, which will help to ensure that the research is done legally, ethically, and in a way that can provide important new information to advance Indian ornithology without compromising the welfare of birds.
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