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The sick heart

Medical Journal of Australia(1957)

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The definition of drug addiction is substantially the sameas that given in an earlier report of the Committee, but that for drug habituation is new. In elaboration of the definitions it is pointed out that a habit-forming drug is one that produceshabituation (habit) but not addiction when used continuously at about the usual therapeutic dose level. Some habit-forming drugs, when used excessively in terms of dosageand/or frequency of administration, may producea true physical dependence(addiction) superimposedupon a psychic dependence. Drug habituation resulting from the repeatedadministrationof a drug must have certain characteristics: a degree of psychic dependenceand a, desire, but not a compulsive craving, to continue taking the drug for the senseof improved wellbeing which it engenders. A tendencyto increasethe dose to maintain or increase the effect mayor may not be present,and physical dependence, with its concomitantof a withdrawal syndrome,is always absent. Another important point is that any detrimentaleffect of habituation is primarily directed to the individual. Abuse, with habit formation, may, however, become so widespread as to become detrimental to society, usually a geographically localized society. Examplesof such widespreadabuseare the wrong use of amphetaminesin some areas,the excessive use of barbituratesand the extensiveand spreading use of tranquillizing agents.
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