I 3-3 Motion Patterns of Feet ’ s Movements and Metrical Structure in Electronic Music ’ s Dance Style 12 : 00 PM

Nicholas Shea,Leo Glowacki, Daniel Shanahan, María Marchiano, Isabel Cecilia Martinez


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to create improvisatory expressions for joy, sadness, anger, fear, and tenderness. Body movements were motion captured (using Qualisys ProReflex), and features for hand speed, acceleration and jerk as well as the drum area used were extracted. General emotion regulation tendencies for reappraisal and suppression were measured through the Emotion Regulation Questionnaire (ERQ). ANOVAs showed significant differences between emotions in several movement features. Most distinctive differences were based on the activation level dividing emotions into high arousal (joy, anger, fear) and low arousal (sadness, tenderness). Correlations and linear regressions showed that the general emotion regulation style Reappraisal was positively connected to congruent expression of sadness and tenderness, as indicated by lower hand speed, jerk and use of drum area. The results demonstrate that already through a relatively basic musical act of djembe drumming, adolescents can express emotions bodily through musical movement. Findings further suggest that musical emotion expression skills may depend on general emotion skills. Findings are relevant for both education and therapy. Contact: suvi.saarikallio@jyu.fi Subjects: Emotion, Embodied cognition; Music and development; Music and movement
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