
Influence of mobility completeness and source behavior on the robust-ness of Transfer Path Analysis and Source Characterization methods: A numerical study.

INTER-NOISE and NOISE-CON Congress and Conference Proceedings(2021)

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Structure borne noise is considered a major contribution to the noise generated inside aircrafts. In order to analyze it, engineering methods have been developed such as Transfer Path Analysis (TPA) and Source Characterisation (SC). These methods are based on active and passive properties of the source and the receiving structure being coupled or decoupled. The theoretical formulation requires mobility according to all Degrees Of Freedom (DOFs) and rotational DOFs represent a challenge for experimental application. To fulfill the mobility matrix, indirect method have been developed and specific sensors have been proposed, resulting in a more complex experimental set-up and an increase in measurement uncertainties. The necessity of assessing the full matrix completeness is thus still questionable. The robustness of these methods with respect to the matrix completeness and the source behavior is investigated numerically in this work. A numerical model has been developed to simulate vibrating sources with simple or complex vibratory behavior and to assess the mobility matrices for any completenesses. Velocity on the receiving structure is used as a target indicator. The influence of source behavior and completeness are discussed and the results show that the required mobility completeness depends on the source behavior.
transfer path analysis,path analysis,mobility completeness,source characterization methods,robust-ness
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