An Analysis of the Position of the Three Components of Nation, Nationality, and Identity in the Process of the Arab Military Coalition Formation in the Persian Gulf


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The West Asian region's government structure, which is part of the Islamic world's civilization, faces significant governance challenges. Islamic countries do not adopt appropriate regional governance processes due to the essential differences between Islamic political thought and Western humanist political thought. Meanwhile, the geopolitical region of Southwest Asia and the countries bordering the Persian Gulf are no exception. The Arab military coalition influenced by geopolitical contexts in the region can be evaluated and analyzed regarding the three components of nationality and identity in Islam. A process controlled by the modern world's developments and is indifferent to the Islamic world history and the basic concepts of this religion. The results indicated that ideas in Islamic political thought and its religious teachings had provided ideal opportunities for producing and maintaining security; nevertheless, Western political ideas' influence on the Islamic world does not allow them to make such decisions. The security situation in the geopolitical region of Southwest Asia has deprived it of permanent stability and security.
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