An Assessment of Primary School EFL Teachers' Job Burnout


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The study is to examine the level of EFL Teachers' Burnout in Jimma Zone, Oromiya Regional State, Ethiopia for many public primary schools EFL teachers in the Zone have shown their dissatisfaction and demotivation towards their job in different ways. The phenomenon implies that teachers in the Zone might experience occupational stress. To enable EFL teachers discharge their full responsibility, their problems need to be assessed and addressed properly. This is because the teachers who experience negative emotional states and burnout cannot care about their work, their students, their colleagues, and even for themselves. Moreover, the teachers who experienced such harmful feeling cannot get prepared for everyday lessons properly, cannot teach and assess students meaningfully, and can miss classes frequently, etc. because they are emotionally ill and react to such state of mind wrongly. The objectives of the study are to examine the level and impact of burnout among EFL teachers' and which gender group does burnout affect more seriously; thus, descriptive survey with mixed design was applied. The result obtained suggests that most EFL teachers in the Zone experience high level of burnout. Specifically, female EFL teachers experience higher level of burnout compared to their male counterparts.
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