Promoting optimal omega-3 fatty acid status in athletes


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inflammation, enhancement of muscle recovery, and protection of brain health and function. • Dietary recommendations for O3FA are highly variable, which creates a particular challenge in determining athlete-specific needs. Low O3FA status has been observed among multiple athletic populations. • Dietary sources of O3FA include eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and alpha-linolenic acid (ALA). Sources of EPA and DHA are limited in the food supply, with fatty fish and seafood being the predominant sources. Dietary sources of ALA are more common, but endogenous conversion of ALA to EPA and DHA is generally believed to be modest at best, emphasizing the value of incorporating fish and seafood into an athlete’s diet. • EPA and DHA supplementation may be required for athletes to achieve optimal O3FA status. An intake of 1–3 g of EPA + DHA daily, including both dietary sources and supplements, is a reasonable goal that could provide benefits to athletes with low risk of undesirable side effects. When selecting an O3FA supplement, the O3FA source, form, dose, as well as a variety of athlete-specific factors should be considered. • Further research is needed to better understand the role of O3FA in the health and performance of athletes, and to identify athlete-specific O3FA recommendations. PROMOTING OPTIMAL OMEGA-3 FATTY ACID STATUS IN ATHLETES
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