Dynamic data replication using fddra


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Data grids have emerged as a useful technology for managing large amounts of distributed data in many fields like scientific experiments and engineering applications. In this regard, replication in data grids is an efficient technique that aims to improve response time, reduce the bandwidth consumption and maintain reliability. Unfortunately, most of existing replication strategies consider a single file based granularity and neglect correlations among different data files. However, the analysis of many real data intensive applications reveals that jobs and applications request groups of correlated files. In this paper, we propose a new data replication strategy which is an enhanced algorithm Modified Bandwidth Hierarchy Replication Algorithm. The data in this work is read-only and so there are no consistency issues involved. The evaluation metrics we analyze in the experiments are mean scalability, stress, average connectivity, eccentricity, number of replications. Using the MATLAB tool, extensive experimentations show that our proposed strategy has better performance in comparison to other strategies under most of access patterns. IndexTerms Data Grid; Replication; File Correlation; Data Mining; Mining Grid Data.
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