ERA-QUEST : HTA-Evaluation generischer Arzneimittel zur erbesserung von Qualität , Oekonomie , Patientensicherheit und ransparenz bei Produktumstellungen in Kliniken ERA-QUEST : HTA evaluation of generic pharmaceutical products to improve uality , economic efficiency , patient safety and transparenc

iriam Gyalrong-Steura,Anita Kellermanna,Rudolf Bernarda,Georg Berndtb, eike Bindemannb, Elfriede Nusser-Rothermundtc,Steffen Amannd,Myga Brakebuschd, örg Brüggmanne,Eva Tydecks, Markus Müllerg,Frank Dörjeh,Eberhard Kochs


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In view of a rising cost pressure and an increasing number of drug shortages, switches between generic drug preparations have become a daily routine in hospitals. To ensure consistently high treatment quality and best possible patient safety, the equivalence of the new and the previous drug preparation must be ensured before any change in the purchase of pharmaceutical products takes place. So far, no easily usable, transparent and standardized instrument for this kind of comparison between generic drug products has been available. A group of pharmaceutical experts has developed the drug HTA (health technology assessment) model ,,HERA’’ (HTA Evaluation of geneRic phArmaceutical products) through a multi-step process. The instrument is designed to perform both a qualitative and economic comparison of equivalent drug preparations (‘‘aut idem’’ substitution) before switching products. The economic evaluation does not only consider unit prices and consumption quantity, but also the processing costs associated with a product change process. The qualitative comparison is based on the evaluation of 34 quality criteria belonging to six evaluation fields (e.g., approval status, practical handling, packaging design). The objective evaluation of the quality criteria is complemented by an assessment of special features of the individual hospital for complex drug switches, including the feedback of the physicians utilizing the drug preparation. Thus potentially problematic switches of pharmaceutical products can be avoided at the best possible rate, contributing to the improvement of patient safety. The novel drug HTA model HERA is a tool used in clinical practice that can add to an increase in quality, therapeutic safety and transparency of drug use while simultaneously contributing to the economic optimization of drug procurement in hospitals. Combining these two is essential for hospitals facing the tension between rising cost pressure and at the same time increasing demands on quality and transparency, triggered by, amongst others, current legislation (Hospital Structures Act, anti-corruption Tabelle 1 Bei einer Produktumstellung problematische Unterschiede zwischen wirkstoffgleichen Präparaten. Mögliche Unterschiede wirkstoffgleicher Präparate Mögliche Probleme infolge einer
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