Dating the ladies> spatio-temporal development of the Early Bronze Age cemetery at Ni/ná My[ĺ a (Slovakia)


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The cemetery in Ni∫ná My∏l’a is one of the most important funerary sites in Early Bronze Age Central Europe. Many years of excavations led to the discovery of nearly 800 graves associated with the Otomani-Füzesabony culture. The presented paper is an attempt to reconstruct the spatial development of the cemetery, based on statistical analyses of grave goods and using the latest findings concerning the absolute chronology of selected categories of finds. A significant role in the analyses was played by female burials, in which numerous objects were discovered, which were evidence of the relatively high status of women in the local community. This provided the authors with a basis for discussion with regard to the dominant male-oriented narratives concerning the communities of fortified settlements. IZVLE∞EK – Grobi∏≠e Ni∫ná My∏l’a je eno od najpomembnej∏ih pogrebnih prostorov iz ≠asa starej∏e bronaste dobe v Srednji Evropi. Ve≠letna izkopavanja so odkrila ok. 800 grobov, ki so vezani na kulturo Otomani-Füzesabony. V na∏em prispevku sku∏amo rekonstruirati prostorski razvoj grobi∏≠a, in sicer s pomo≠jo statisti≠ne analize grobnih pridatkov in z uporabo najnovej∏ih ugotovitev, ki so vezane na absolutno kronologijo izbranih kategorij najdb. Pomembno vlogo pri analizi imajo ∫enski grobovi, v katerih so bili odkriti ∏tevilni pridatki, kar ka∫e na vi∏ji dru∫beni status ∫ensk v lokalni skupnosti. To predstavlja avtorjem tudi osnovo za razpravo o prevladujo≠ih zgodbah, ki so osredoto≠ene na mo∏ke, v povezavi s skupnostmi, ki so ∫ivele v utrjenih naselbinah.
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