The Role of the University in Community Engagement for Environmental and Water Education: The Example of Universiti Sains Malaysia

Chan Ngai Weng,Anis Rahim,Narimah Samat,Ruslan Rainis, Azizan Marzuki, Nadiatul Sarah, Muhammad Rais, Asyirah Abdul Rahim


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The modern university in the current era is more than just an institution of teaching, learning, research, discovery and knowledge depository. Times have changed and society is becoming more demanding. To stay relevant, universities need to evolve and change to serve a wider scope of societal needs. A university needs to serve and benefit communities, and in order to do that effectively, it needs to engage with communities in a symbiotic relationship. This paper looks at how a university can form smart-partnerships with communities (which include the private sector, non-governmental organisations and the wider public) to enhance environmental and water stewardship. The project is focused on environmental education, specifically on water, involving Universiti Sains Malaysia, Penang Water Supply Authority, Salcon Berhad, Water Watch Penang and local schools. It involves creating greater awareness and education on environment and water amongst the students. Universiti Sains Malaysia and Water Watch Penang facilitators give talks and demonstrate various water sampling and water testing methods. Observation and measuring equipment are employed to test the physical, chemical and biological water quality of a selected river. Participants are evaluated before and after the activity. Pre and post assessment results showed that participants score better in the latter. Results show that their level of awareness and knowledge on the environment, river and water has significantly improved. This project exemplifies how Universiti Sains Malaysia has engaged communities effectively and successfully carried out its corporate social responsibility.
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