Alba sau Băneasa – La Stejar? Reidentificarea unui sit arheologic din nord-vestul Bucureștiului / Alba or Băneasa – La Stejar? Re-identifying an archaeological site in northwestern Bucharest

Materiale şi cercetãri arheologice (Serie nouã)(2021)

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Rescue archaeological excavations at Sisești Street, nos. 147– 175 led to the identification and investigation of 29 archaeological features dated to the Bronze Age, the 9th and the 18th centuries. The paper discusses in detail the results of the research (archaeological materials and features) from an interdisciplinary perspective. It also raises the question of the previos misidentification of certain sites along the Colentina River in the area of interest, and suggests a correct geographical location of the still existing ones.
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archaeological site,băneasa,alba,nord-vestul,re-identifying
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