Title Risk of RS virus infection in infants with congenital cystic lung disease 1 Running title RSV infection in CCLD


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This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved. Title Risk of RS virus infection in infants with congenital cystic lung disease1 Running title RSV infection in CCLD Ikuko Hama, M.D.1, Shigehiro Takahashi, M.D.1, Tomoo Nakamura, Ph.D.1, Yushi Ito, M.D.1, Kazuteru Kawasaki, M.D.3, Haruhiko Sago, Ph.D.2 Division of 1Neonatology, 2Center for Maternal-Fetal and Neonatal Medicine, National Center for Child Health and Development and 3Division of Pulmonology, Department of Medical Subspecialities, National Center for Child Health and Development Correspondence; Ikuko Hama, M.D. Division of Neonatology, Center for Maternal-Fetal and Neonatal Medicine, National Center for Child Health and Development, 2-10-1 Okura Setagaya-ku Tokyo, 157-8535 Japan Phone; +81-3-3416-0181, Fax; +81-3-5494-7909 Mail; hama-i@ncchd.go.jp Number of text pages; 22 pages Number of words; 2613 words Reference pages; 3 pages Tables; 3 tables
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