Resume Screening Bot Using RPA

Nilam Khatal, Siddhesh Chaughule,Nikhita Mangaonkar

Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing(2021)

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With the rise in technology, most job seekers prefer to find jobs via some Web site. Many submit their Resume’s/CV’s online. The organizations receive countless of those every day on their Web site or portal. The process begins with identifying the needs within an organization. This need could be to fill a vacant position in an organization or strengthen the team or expand the reach of organizational tasks. The organization’s recruiters should start by generating a job description that includes a prioritized list of job requirements, special qualifications which are needed for the selection of candidates suitable for them. The actual scale of the applicants submitting their resumes makes it an impossible task for any organization to sort it manually. Not only is it a time-consuming task but it’s tedious too. So, to manage this task Robotic Process Automation was introduced in the job recruitment process. Using RPA we can reduce the manual work and also the time required to sort the candidate’s resumes according to organization needs. Therefore, we thought of an idea to use this technology and automate this whole process of selection including accepting resumes from students and also forwarding them Emails of whether they are selected or not using Robotic process automation.
Robotic process automation (RPA), Screening, Automate, PDF-extraction, Threshold, Automation anywhere, Java
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