Adaptability Study and Performance Evaluation of Tef (Eragrostis tef L.) Varieties at Shone, Southern Ethiopia


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Tef can grow under wide and diverse agroecologies. Even though there are areas where the crop is grown during Belg season, tef is mainly cultivated during the Meherseason. It can be grown from sea level up to 2800 m.a.s.l, under various rainfalls, temperature and soil regimes. However, tef performs excellently at an altitude of 1800-2100 m, annual rainfall of 750-850 mm, growing season rainfall of 450550 mm and a temperature range of 10°C-27°C [2]. According to the survey data of Central Statistical Agency, tef production has expanded by 124.5 percent in between 2003/2004 and 2012/2013 cropping years. Growth was achieved mainly due to 37 percent expansion in area under cultivation and 64 percent increase in yield levels per hectare. Annual tef production has been increasing year after year on average by about 10%. Annual increase in productivity is supposed to contribute about 6% of the 10% growth with 4% attributed to increase in net cropped area allotted to tef [3].
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