Emergency Remote Teaching in a Medicine course: an assessment of teaching work from students’ perspective


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As has been the case in other face-to-face courses, the teaching methodologies of several medical training courses have been adapted due to the social isolation imposed by the SARSCoV-2 pandemic. Thus, many higher education institutions started to adopt Emergency Remote Education (ERE) in order not to paralyze their academic activities. The objective of this work was to evaluate the implementation of the ERE in a Faculty of Medical Sciences located in São José dos Campos, São Paulo, Brazil, from the student perspective. The research is of a qualitative and quantitative nature, of the Case Study type. The analysis of the results demonstrated the adaptation and satisfaction of the students with the adopted didactic sequence, which alternated asynchronous and synchronous methodologies, especially the use of videos recorded by teachers. These results can provide data for studies that seek to investigate the impact of digital technologies on the training of higher education students; however, they should be considered from the context in which they were adopted.
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