Tingkat Kerusakan DNA Spermatozoa Memengaruhi Profil Protein Spermatozoa

pada Semen Beku, Sapi Brahman,Langgeng Priyanto,Agung Budiyanto,Asmarani Kusumawati, dan Kurniasih


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The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between spermatozoa DNA damages with spermatozoa protein profiles of after freezing. The rate of spermatozoa DNA damages was measured by Sperm-Bos-Halomax from two Brahman bull straw samples and the spermatozoa protein was isolated by separating the upper and lower fractions of the centrifugation results. The protein profiles were then analyzed using SDS PAGE with a 12.5% separating gel concentration. The data obtained were analyzed descriptively by comparing level of spermatozoa DNA damages with spermatozoa protein profiles of upper and lower fractions. The results of the analysis showed that in the upper fractions at 37.11% level of spermatozoa damages, one protein band (29 kDa) and at 10.66% level of DNA spermatozoa damages 9 protein bands (128 kDa, 110, 91, 55, 44, 29, 27, 25 and 20 kDa) were found, respectively. Meanwhile, in the lower fractions of frozen semen, at 37.11% level of spermatozoa DNA damages 4 protein bands (105, 82, 56 and 25 kDa), and at 10.66% level of spermatozoa DNA damages 8 protein bands (109, 95, 79, 69, 50, 44, Jurnal Veteriner Desember 2018 Vol. 19 No. 4 : 512-520 pISSN: 1411-8327; eISSN: 2477-5665 DOI: 10.19087/jveteriner.2018.19.4.512 Terakreditasi Nasional, Dirjen Penguatan Riset dan Pengembangan, online pada http://ojs.unud.ac.id/index.php/jvet Kemenristek Dikti RI S.K. No. 36a/E/KPT/2016
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