Trends in organic contamination in river Yamuna: A case study of Delhi stretch

Nucleation and Atmospheric Aerosols(2023)

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The river Ganges largest tributary is river Yamuna and it is the longest tributary in India serving millions of individuals. It is emerging from the glacier known as Yamunotri that has a height of 6,387m that travel through Uttarakhand to Allahabad. The water from river is abstracted as well as in stream used for irrigation, power generation, domestic water supply, industrial use, etc., because of which the after affects are many. In India, an alarming situation exists since quite a long time in river pollution. When river Yamuna enters Delhi, it meets the water quality guidelines with respect to Dissolved Oxygen (DO) and Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) but during its exit the water quality deteriorated. The main reasons of deterioration of the river water are sewage discharge and industrial effluents and mis utilization of fresh water. The dilution capacity of the river also gets reduced due to significant water abstraction. The chief contributor of contamination is National Capital Territory (NCT) of Delhi followed by Agra and Mathura by either point or non-point sources.In this paper we investigated the ongoing trends in basic water quality guidelines of the River Yamuna which show huge deviation in Delhi segment. Due to the influence of industrialization, urbanization and horticultural advances the Delhi segment gets severely contaminated. Yamuna Action Plan (YAP) was undertaken by the government for the restoration and preservation of the river Yamuna. The DO, BOD in the Delhi segment and eutrophicated segment investigation, the water quality parameter trends in the river Yamuna represent that regardless of the considerable number of endeavors the water quality isn't fit for assigned best utilizations. The outcomes require inventive points of view in the advancement of a refreshed comprehensive preservation technique for the river Yamuna.
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river yamuna,organic contamination
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