Sporadic utilization of ITN among households with under-five HIV positive children

David Ayah Ounah, Jane Mumma,Constantine Loum, Susan Amuti, Jared Ogolla,Gideon Kikuvi,Nzioki Mativo


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Children under-five are most vulnerable and bear the adverse effects of Malaria worldwide. In Kenya, 20% of all deaths in children are due to malaria, and 88.9% of all deaths among HIV positive children are malaria related. Correct and consistence ITN utilization is proven to protect against anopheles mosquito bites hence Malaria, however, despite free distribution of ITN to the study population and civic education on proper ITN use, the prevalence of Malaria is still high in this cohort. Therefore, there was an indelible need to establish the levels of household ITN ownership and utilization vis-à-vis demographic characteristics of participants and Malaria attacks among households with HIV positive children in Kimilili. Method: This was a community based study conducted between March and August, 2016 through a cross-sectional survey. The under-five children were recruited randomly at the comprehensive care centre in Kimilili Sub-County Referral Hospital and studied at their households; they were consented through their parents/caretakers. Data on demographic variables, ITN usage and Malaria attacks were collected using questionnaires and analyzed using Statistical Package for Social Scientists, percentages and chi square. Results: The ownership of ITN among the 222 study participants was 98%. The study established that there was poor (88.7%) household utilization of Insecticide Treated Nets. we further established that among poor ITN users, malaria attacks were high – 65.3%. Conclusion: Utilization of ITN at household level was poor; to the extent that it could not contribute to reduction of malaria associated morbidity and mortality. Efforts should be targeted at households to ensure correct utilization of ITN
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