
Sustainability and evaluation of the impact caused by the landfill of the municipality of carmen, campeche, méxico sustentabilidad y evaluación del impacto ocasionado por el relleno sanitario del municipio de carmen en campeche, méxico

Areli Machorro-Román,Genoveva Rosano-Ortega, María Elena, Tavera-Cortés,Juan Gabriel Flores-Trujillo, María Rosa, Maimone-Celorio,Estefanía Martínez-Tavera, Sonia, Martínez-Gallegos,Pedro Francisco Rodríguez-Espinosa


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The sustainability indicators allow the evaluation of the environmental impacts related to the sustainable development strategy. The research was conducted in ciudad del Carmen, Campeche, which is considered a barrier island located at the southeast of Mexico. The municipality channels the final disposal of solid urban waste (MSW) through a sanitary landfill which is located in a mangrove area, having a negative impact on the environment, negatively affects the sustainable development. This research identified a sequence of carbonated sands by means of subsoil sediment analysis, which allowed to define a porosity of 20.2 to 40.1% and a permeability of ± 10−2-10−4 ms−1, i.e., the sediments have good porous and high permeability. On the other hand, and with respect to water quality, concentrations of BOD5 and COD in the mangrove were 63.06 and 1338.13 mg L−1, respectively, as well as the presence of trace 71 LA GRANJA: Revista de Ciencias de la Vida 32(2) 2020:71-90. ©2020, Universidad Politécnica Salesiana, Ecuador. Scientific paper / Artículo científico WASTE MANAGEMENT Machorro, A., Rosano, G., Tavera, M., Flores, J., Maimone, M., Martínez, E., Martínez, S. and Rodríguez, P. concentrations of some heavy metals. These values allowed to classify it as a strongly contaminated body of water.
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