Muon Spin Relaxation Study on the Magnetic Order of π-electrons in the Cesium and Sodium Superoxide


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This work is only to analytically perform the previous results. In static internal field, our derivation to an applied field-Gaussian case confirms Kubo’s et al work, but for Loretzian case, it shows a competition of divergent terms. This result was also reported by Larkin et al by applying Kubo Golden Rule (KGR). In dynamic case, our derivation confirms the Hayano’s et al result. The strong collision and frozen muons at an interstitial sites models have been used to analytically re-derive Muon relaxation function in dilute spin glasses and confirm the work result by Uemura et al. The correlation function of spins is divided into two parts to cover the coexisting static and dynamic internal random fields. Ground state magnetic Raman scattering in antiferromagnetic spin tubes Department of Physics, Hokkaido University Takashi Inoue and Shoji Yamamoto Magnetic Raman scattering is important probe to study magnetic excitation of antiferromagnets and there are many experimental observations and theoretical calculations. Magnetic Raman operator is described as exchange interaction by light and written by equation (1)[1]. Here êi and ês are the polarization vectors of the incident and scattered light, δ is a vector connecting two sites, Jδ is the exchange interaction on the δ bond and Sr is a spin operator of site r. In terms of the eigenstates |n⟩ and eigenvalues En of the Heisenberg model, magnetic Raman scattering intensity is given by Fermi’s golden rule and described by equation (2).
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