
Analysis of socioeconomic factors in the participation of parents in the Ecuadorian educational context

Explorador Digital(2021)

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Introduction. The family is the axis on which the social structure develops, and that is why exploring how they participate in the school life of children becomes, over the years, something of importance. It is necessary to know how participation develops from some of the variables that can influence it. Objetive. Contrast whether the participation of parents in school activities has something to do with schooling, occupation, gender, marital status, age of parents, region, sector, and type of support of the school in which their children study. Methodology. For this, field research of cross-sectional type, of descriptive scope, was carried out, to check the levels of relationship, among the variables of this study. Chi-square test was used with the statistical software R Project. Results. As main results, it was found that the variables schooling (2.255e-12), occupation (9.578e-13), gender (6.43e-15), marital status (0.04333), sector (0.0006822) and type of school support (0.0001065) are related to the levels of parental participation, while the age of the parents (0.2975), and the region (0.6784) do not have significant levels of relationship. Conclusions. It is concluded in the study that the level of participation of parents in the Ecuadorian educational context is high; the variables that are related in a positive or negative way must be taken into consideration to improve the school processes that need this collaboration.
socioeconomic factors,parents,participation
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