Predictive Factors Associated with Fear Faced by Healthcare Workers during Covid-19 Pandemic: A Questionnaire Based Study. (Preprint)


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BACKGROUND The COVID-19 and its related threat of death have led to significant fears among health care workers (HCWs) and their families around the world. The latest figures show thousands of HCWs have so for been infected with Covid-19 while interacting the patients, with a large percentage of them dying. OBJECTIVE In this survey study, we aimed to explore the predictive factors associated with fear faced by HCWs during covid-19 pandemic and to identify the areas which need to be addressed. METHODS On 14th May 2020, we conducted a descriptive cross-sectional survey using a self-administered questionnaire, which consisted of two parts: (1) focussed on factors associated with HCWs fear of getting infection and being a source of carrying infection to whom they care, and (2) focused on factors associated with HCWs fear of uncertainty and lack of support from concerned health authorities. Finally a total of 329 responses were collected and analyzed RESULTS The mean age of the participants was 40.04 years (SD ± 12.92), and around four-fifths of the participants were males 79.3%, and nearly more than half of the participants were consultants 51.1%. The first important factors associated with fear included, getting infected 84.8%, quarantined 69.6%, not get medical treatment 62%, losing life 56.8%, and infecting family members 94.2%. Another major factor associated with HCWs fear was lack of support from concerned health authorities, 80.2% thought of solatium and 71.7% of Job to deceased family members. More than 82.2% thought of health expenses and almost 97.6% thought of additional health risk allowance. CONCLUSIONS Our survey findings show the main predictive factors associated fear faced by majority of HCWs in Pakistan was getting infected to themselves and their families. Once diseased, majority of them feared that they may not get medical treatment and end up on ventilator. Another important factors associated with fear were uncertainty and lack of support from concerned health authorities. We hope Government of Pakistan should take note of this and make appropriate policies and measures to make sure, that HCWs and their families are cared for if they get infected.
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