Study of Medium-Spin States of Neutron-rich Rb Isotopes

D. A. Torres,R. Chapman, V. Kumar, B. Hadinia, A. Hodsdon,M. Labiche,X. Liang,D. O’Donnell, J., Ollier, R. Orlandi,J. F. Smith,K.-M. Spohr,P. Wady, Z. M. Wang, L. Corradi, E. Fioretto, A. Gadea,G. de Angelis, N. Mărginean,D. R. Napoli,E. Sahin,A. M. Stefanini, J. J. Valiente-Dobón, F. D. Vedova,M. Axiotis, T. Martinez,S. Szilner, D. Bazzacco, S. Beghini,E. Farnea,R. Mărginean,D. Mengoni, G., Montagnoli,F. Recchia, F. Scarlassara, C. A. Ur,S. M. Lenzi,S. Lunardi,T. Kröll,F. Haas,T. Faul, M., Hjorth-Jensen,B. G. Carlsson,S. J. Freeman,A. G. Smith,G. Jones,N. Thompson, G. Pollarolo, G. S. Simpson


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Excited states of the rubidium isotopes 87,89,91 37Rb have been studied at the INFN Legnaro National Laboratory. Measurements of the γ-ray decay of fragments produced in binary grazing reactions resulting from the interaction of a beam of 530-MeV Zr ions with a Sn target have been complemented by studies of the γ-ray decay of fission fragments produced in the interaction of a beam of 230-MeV S ions with a thick Yb target. The structure of the yrast states of 87,89,91 37Rb has been discussed within the context of spherical shell-model and cranked Nilsson-Strutinsky calculations. PACS. 23.20.Lv γ transitions and level energies – 25.70.Jj Fusion and fusion-fission reactions – 27.60.+j 90 ≤ A ≤ 149 Send offprint requests to: D.A. Torres a Present address: Department of Physics and Astrophysics, University of Delhi, 110007, India b Present address: STFC Daresbury Laboratory, Warrington, WA4 4AD, United Kingdom c Present address: Advanced Science Research Center, Japan Atomic Energy Agency, Tokai, Ibaraki, 319-1195, Japan d Present address: Extreme Light Infrastructure (ELI-NP) & IFIN-HH, Horia Hulubei National Institute of Physics and Nuclear Engineering, Bucharest-Măgurele, RO-077125, Romania e Present address: Department of Physics, University of Oslo, P.O. Box 1048, Blindern, N-0316, Oslo, Norway f Present address: Institut für Kernphysik, Technische Universität Darmstadt, D-64289 Darmstadt, Germany
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