Physical Protection in Aggregates and Organo-Mineral Associations Contribute to Carbon Stabilization at the Transition Zone of Seasonally Saturated Wetlands


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Wetlands store significant soil organic carbon (SOC) globally due to anoxic conditions that suppress SOC loss. However, stored SOC may become vulnerable to decomposition where climate and land use change alter wetland hydrology. Seasonally saturated wetlands experience fluctuating hydrologic conditions that could promote physicochemical mechanisms known to stabilize terrestrial SOC. These wetlands are therefore likely to be important for SOC storage at the landscape-scale. This study examined physicochemical stabilization of SOC within five seasonally saturated wetlands across a hydrologic gradient from the frequently saturated basin edge to the rarely saturated upland. At each wetland, we monitored water level and collected soil samples from the top two mineral horizons across five transect points to quantify physical protection of SOC in aggregates and organo-mineral associations between SOC and iron (Fe). As expected, both SOC concentrations and SOC stocks from 10–50 cm decreased across the transect from frequently saturated soils to rarely saturated soils. However, SOC stocks from 0–10 cm increased along this gradient, indicating diverging SOC dynamics throughout the soil profile. The majority of SOC was associated with macroaggregates across the transect, suggesting that macroaggregates are likely to physically protect wetland SOC during seasonal drying. By contrast, Fe-associated SOC was low across the transect, though modest accumulations of Fe (5 mg Fe g −1 soil) were observed in the transition zone where saturation was most dynamic throughout the year. Our results suggest that SOC stabilization occurs via physical protection within macroaggregates and, to a lesser extent, organo-mineral associations during dry periods in and around seasonally saturated wetlands. As climate scenarios predict intensified wet and dry cycles in many wetlands, understanding SOC stabilization is critical to predicting vulnerability to future change.
Soil organic carbon (SOC),Seasonally saturated wetlands,SOC stabilization,Physical protection of SOC in aggregates,Organo-mineral associations,SOC stocks
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