(Studi Kasus pada Pimpinan Perusahaan di Kota Medan) Barriers in Effective Listening Activities (Case Study of Company Leaders in Medan City)

Hambatan Dalam, Aktifitas Mendengar, Efektif Studi, Kasus pada Pimpinan, Perusahaan di Kota Medan,Emilia Ramadhani,Hambatan Dalam Aktifitas, Mendengar Efektif, Dewi Kurniawati, Dayana,Haris Wijaya


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Words are not trivial matters, words are manifestations and symbols from our perspective, thoughts, perceptions, and the way we share these perceptions with others. Very few leaders realize that conversation determines the growth and productivity of the organization / company they lead. Most people also believe that they have heard effectively in a conversation, which is one of the main elements in effective communication. This research was conducted on 100 leaders consisting of directors, managers, section heads, and supervisors scattered in several companies / agencies in the city of Medan, both engaged in education, health, community services, law, hospitality, and entrepreneurship. The results showed that almost all respondents believed that they had heard effectively. But in reality, this was not the case. Most leaders experienced personal barriers where they always tried to be an entertainer when listening to the other person. As listeners, their minds were always preoccupied with finding ways to make the other person feel valued, happy and approved.
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