Kinetics Stimulate Microwave Radiation Acylation Reaction of Diethylamine M-Toluic Acid in the Presence of Zn-BP / Al 2 o 3 / Al Catalyst

P. A. Muradova,S. M. Zulfugarova, M. R. Efendiyev, N. V. Shakunova, E. M. Guseynova,Yu. N. Litvishkov


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In the article presents the results of a study of kinetic regularities stimulated by microwave electromagnetic radiation acylation of diethylamine m-toluic acid in the presence of intense microwave absorbing Zn-B-P/Al2O3/А1catalyst. Mounted parallel series circuit of the target formation (N, N-diethyl-m-toluic acid) and the reaction byproducts and the observed kinetic model proposed transformations. With the use of optimization software for chemical engineering processes calculated the kinetic parameters of total and partial transformations of m-toluic acid and diethylamine. © 2016 Elixir All rights reserved. Elixir Appl. Chem. 96 (2016) 41416-41419 Applied Chemistry Available online at (Elixir International Journal) P.A.Muradova et al./ Elixir Appl. Chem. 96 (2016) 41416-41419 41417 the 3-rd model, a flame ionization detector, column l = 2.4 m, d = 3.0 mm, separating the phase Silicone is the SE30 10% hezosorbe AWHMD, fraction 0.35-0.5 mm internal standard n-octyl alcohol. As for the phase separation of gaseous products CO2 and ethylene TGNM used for INZ600). Discussion of Results In order to implement the process in a continuous flow of the reaction medium in the contact zone without preheating components was studied as a function of time for establishing a stationary temperature regime the power consumption of the magnetron, the molar ratio of m-toluic acid: dietiamin and conditional contact time τ(h)= ê  / ñ  , where ñ  (l / h) hourly space velocity in the liquid phase, ê  (l) the amount of catalyst. Temperature dependence of the contact zone of the reactor, in steady-state condition in the reaction system, the power of microwave radiation at different values of the conditional contact time (catalyst volume ratio of the charge amount supplied to the reactant mixture) is shown in Fig.1. It is seen that with increasing contact time contingent, for fixed values of power of the magnetron, a higher temperature is achieved in the contact zone of the reactor. Thus, with increasing the radiation power during the establishment of steady (temperature) state is significantly reduced. Fig 1.Temperature dependence of the steady-state mode and reaction time required to establish steady state (1) by acting on the power of the microwave radiation, the reaction system by varying the contact time of the conditioned. 1 – τ = 10 sec; 2 – τ = 7 sec; 3 – τ = 5 sec; 4 – τ = 2 sec., molar ratio СН3С6Н4СООН : НN(C2H5)2 : Н2О = 1:2:4. It is established that the variation in the studied range of microwave power, contact time and conditional molar ratio of m-toluic acid and diethylamine dominant direction converting m-toluic acid is the N-acylation of diethylamine to form the desired product N, N-diethyl m-toluic acid. Formation of products including monoetiltoluamida, mtoluamide, m-tolunitrile and indicates the occurrence of toluene along with target acylation diethylamine:
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