Primjena apsorbera vlage kod pakiranja mesa i ribe


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Application of moisture absorbers for meat and fish packaging Raw meat and fish naturally contain a high amount of water which is, due to the oxidation process and cellular damage, deliberated in the packaging container. The exuding liquids are a sign of undesirable meat characteristics from the customer’s perception, resulting in non-purchasing this product. Furthermore, excess water supports the microbial growth, thus reducing stability and shelf-life of the packaged ZNANSTVENO STRUČNI DIO godina XXIII (2021) | svibanj lipanj | broj 3. | MESO 241 meat. To overcome such effects and to achieve the acceptable and attractive appearance, absorbent pads are commonly used in the meat industry. Thus, an application of absorbent pad with the antimicrobial agent will result in good quality product and ensure its safety during the entire shelf-life.
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