Capacity Level of Extension Worker and Institutional Support in Developing the Cap ability of Extension Worker to u se Information Technology

International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering(2020)

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The extension is an essential part of fishery sector services. Hence, efficient service of extension is necessary to support fishery activities to contribute to the increasing socio-economic level of fishery business players. These business actors, namely fish processors, fish farmers, and smallholder fishermen in Lampung Province, generally obtain such a little information as they are considered to be the passive group in seeking for information. Their primary concern is still to meet their daily needs, and this information is not yet a priority. In fact, a technological limitation also does not facilitate farmers to obtain information which results in a situation where extension worker is forced to be the main source of information for fishery business players. Therefore, it is essential to investigate how extension workers’ capacity in using non-cyber and cyber information technology also the role of institutional support in the utilization of information technology to increase extension workers’ capacity. This study was descriptive analysis research consisted of primary and secondary data. The method of data analysis used to answer the objective of this study was descriptive statistical analysis. The result of the analysis showed that extension workers’ capacity level in using non-cyber information technology to perform their task was considered excellent, and extension workers did not only depend on the information provided by the related institution in using cyber information technology. Extension workers were found to use a smartphone and other media to obtain information. Institutional support, such as higher educational institutions, NGOs, Fishery Agency, and BPTP, was still low. Therefore, institutions should increase the use of information technology, assist in using cyber information technology, provide information of using cyber information technology, provide a specific location for conducting training of cyber information technology, and provide regular training schedule for extension workers to increase the capacity of fishery extension workers.
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