Manned-Unmanned Teaming: Research and Applications Panel

Joseph B. Lyons,Christopher A. Miller, Jay Shively,Nancy J. Cooke, Col. Dan “Animal” Javorsek,Phillip Walker

Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting(2021)

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This panel will discuss issues related to Manned-Unmanned Teaming (MUMT) technologies. Panelists were selected to represent diverse topics and each will provide a unique perspective on the MUMT challenge space. Joseph Lyons will frame the discussion and introduce the panelists. Each panelist will provide an overview of the MUMT research/applications they are involved in. Chris Miller will discuss an ongoing project looking at MUMT applications broadly across the enterprise and is seeking to identify the core systemic tenants of MUMT and metrics to gauge MUMT effectiveness. Jay Shively will discuss MUMT challenges in the context of UAS operations in the National aerospace. Nancy Cooke will discuss several MUMT research projects that emphasize teaming and associated research challenges. Col. Dan Javorsek will discuss recent MUMT programs at DARPA as well as where MUMT technologies can support Air Force applications. Phillip Walker will discuss the DARPA OFFSET program and human-swarm interactions, including human factor considerations of large swarm demonstration events.
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