Basic health indicator: primary care and deaths in women of childbearing age indicador básico de saúde: atenção primária e óbitos mulheres idade fértil indicador básico de salud: atención primaria y muertes en mujeres en edad fértil


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Objective: To evaluate the coverage of primary health care in the municipalities of Santa Catarina and the reach of the basic health indicator the proportion of deaths in women of childbearing age investigated in the Unified Health System. Method: cross-sectional ecological, using spatial analysis technique, carried out between 2017 and 2018, taking the 295 municipalities in the State of Santa Catarina as units of analysis. All tests considered a bidirectional α of 0.05 and a confidence interval (CI) of 95%. Results: the number of maternal deaths is inversely correlated to the population coverage of Primary Care teams, to the population coverage of Family Health, is directly correlated to the proportion of deaths in women of childbearing age investigated in 2017, with no significant correlation of these variables in 2018. Conclusion: the analysis of maternal death indicators and the proportion of deaths of women of childbearing age investigated may represent an indicator of national political determination, considering that it reflects the quality of health care for women, hence the importance of timely investigation of these deaths to prevent them, strengthening health care networks, with the nurse as a key player in planning this care. Descriptors: Primary Health Care; Public Health; Nursing; Mortality; Health Status Indicators; Unified Health System.
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