Definition of a Basic Design for Conversion of an Offshore Fixed Platform on a Depleted Reservoir Into a Sustainable Plant

Anna Chiara Uggenti,Raffaella Gerboni,Andrea Carpignano, Gabriele Ballocco, Andrea Tortora, Amedeo Aliberti

ASCE-ASME J Risk and Uncert in Engrg Sys Part B Mech Engrg(2022)

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Abstract In the framework of energy transition, a focus is given to the study of the conversion of offshore Oil&Gas (O&G) platforms at the end of their life due to the depletion of the reservoirs on which they operate. Their modular and versatile structure allows the implementation of new processes and innovative sustainable technologies for reducing the environmental impact of a complete decommissioning, especially on the subsea ecosystem that has grown around the jacket, and for guaranteeing cost-saving solutions. Among different conversion options, this paper focuses on the installation on the platform of a system for the production of photovoltaic (PV) energy to be used for seawater desalination and its delivery to other platforms operating in the same area. The project focuses on the definition of technical characteristics of the basic design, on the investigation of the technical feasibility of the conversion process, and on qualitative safety and environmental impact studies. Moreover, the old platform equipment to be decommissioned (i.e., the equipment necessary for hydrocarbons treatment) are identified, and the installation of new equipment is optimized, e.g., the number of PV panels and, therefore, the installed power are maximized. At the same time, decommissioning costs and impacts can be minimized. The basic design is completed with a preliminary structural verification to guarantee that critical situations do not rise, with an indication on the main maintenance activities for the preservation of plant good efficiency and with safety and environmental preliminary analyses for the identification of potential criticalities to be managed at different design levels.
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