Mapping the Visual Icon1

Sam Clarke, Denis Buehler, Christina Busse,Steve Butterfill,Laurenz Casser, Martin Davies, Casey Landers,Kevin Lande, Michael Martin, Matt Parrott, Ian Phillips,Jake Quilty-Dunn,Nick Shea


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It is often claimed that pre-attentive vision has an ‘iconic’ format. This is seen to explain pre-attentive vision’s characteristically high processing capacity and to make sense of an overlap in the mechanisms of early vision and mental imagery. But what does the iconicity of pre-attentive vision amount to? This paper considers two prominent ways of characterising pre-attentive visual icons and argues that neither is adequate: one approach renders the claim ‘pre-attentive vision is iconic’ empirically false while the other obscures its ability to do the explanatory work which motivates positing pre-attentive visual icons in the first place. With this noted, I introduce the (heretofore unarticulated) notion of an ‘Analog Map’ and argue that it provides a superior characterisation of pre-attentive vision’s iconicity. I then argue that this forces a reassessment of debates which have traditionally presupposed the iconicity of pre-attentive vision, emphasising ramifications for the viability of a format-based perception-thought border.
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