Family Eurytomidae Walker, 1832.

Chalcidoidea of Iran (Insecta: Hymenoptera)(2021)

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Abstract Species of Eurytomidae are associated with many communities of phytophagous insects, many being phytophagous (gall inducers, inquilines or seed feeders) and causing different types of injury to plants, others being entomophagous, including parasitoids of a wide range of insect hosts in the orders Coleoptera, Diptera (mainly Cecidomyiidae), Hymenoptera (Aculeata) and Lepidoptera, and even some being recorded from spider (Araneae) and cicada (Hemiptera) eggs. This chapter provides a checklist for the family Eurytomidae. It provides information on species diversity, host records, distribution records by province in Iran, as well as world distribution. Comparison of the eurytomid fauna with adjacent countries indicates that the fauna of Iran (127 species) is most diverse, followed by Turkey (98 species), Russia (74 species), Kazakhstan (60 species), Turkmenistan (33 species), Iraq (11 species), Azerbaijan (10 species), Armenia (nine species), Afghanistan and United Arab Emirates (both with four species) and Pakistan and Saudi Arabia (both with two species). No species have been recorded from Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman or Qatar. However, 150 eurytomid species were reported from the former USSR, indicating that the fauna was relatively well studied, though several species were recorded without indication of exact region within this large area. Of the countries adjacent to Iran, Turkey shares the highest number of known species with Iran (58 species), followed by Kazakhstan and Russia (both with 25 species), Turkmenistan (17 species), Azerbaijan (seven species), Iraq (six species), Armenia (four species) and Afghanistan (two species).
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