Quantum non-Gaussian light from a single atom dispersively coupled to a cavity

arXiv (Cornell University)(2021)

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Many applications in quantum communication, sensing and computation need provable quantum non-Gaussian light. Recently, such light witnessed by a negative Wigner function has been estimated using homodyne tomography from a single atom dispersively coupled to a highfinesse cavity [1]. It opens an investigation of quantum non-Gaussian light for many experiments with atoms and solidstate emitters. However, at their early stage, an atom or emitter in a cavity system with different channels to the environment and additional noise are insufficient to produce the negative Wigner function. Moreover, the homodyne detection is frequently challenging for such experiments. We analyse those issues and prove such cavities can be used to emit quantum non-Gaussian light employing singlephoton detection in the Hanbury-Brown and Twiss configuration and quantum nonGaussianity criteria suitable for this measurement. We investigate in details the cases of considerable cavity leakage when the negativity of Wigner function disappears completely. Advantageously, quantum non-Gaussian light can be still conclusively proven for a large set of the cavity parameters at the cost of overall measurement time, even if noise is present.
quantum,single atom,non-gaussian
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