Dietry Impact of Normal and Germinated Barely Products on body weight and Lipid Profile of Diabetic Rats


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The present study aimed to evaluate the effect of barely grains and germinated barely products on lipid profile and lipoprotein of diabetic rats. Male albino rats (n=56) were divided into two main groups, the first group (n=7rats) considered as a control negative group (G1). The remaining 49 rats were injected with Alloxan (120mg/kg BW) for the induction of diabetes, then were divided into (7) subgroups (n=7 rats for each) ,the first subgroup was left without treatment and considered as a control positive group (G2). G3 Diabetic rats were fed on normal barely bread, G 4 Diabetic rats were fed on germinated barely bread, G 5 Diabetic rats were fed on normal barely biscuits, G 6 Diabetic rats were fed on germinated barely biscuits, G7 Diabetic rats were fed on normal barely talbina, G 8 Diabetic rats were fed on germinated barely talbina. After 4 weeks, the mean values of body weight was estimated in all groups. Blood samples were collected to estimate lipid profile including cholesterol, triglycerides, LDL-c, and HDL-c. The results showed that there were a significant loss body weight for rats fed on germinated barely products compared to control possitive. Rats fed on germinated barely products exhibited lower glucose in contrary to insulin and improvement of enzymes activity to level comparable to the normal level. Results also revealed that, feeding rats on germinated barely products such as bread, biscuits and talbina led to significant decrease in serum cholesterol, triglycerides, LDL-c, and increase HDL-c. As conclusion, germinated barely products especially germinated talbina had improved the lipid profile compared with the control. Our results recommended germinated barely could be as functional foods to improve human health.
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