pin diodes are exposed to 10-keV X-ra"/>

Response of Integrated Silicon Microwave pin Diodes to X-Ray and Fast-Neutron Irradiation

IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science(2022)

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Integrated silicon microwave pin diodes are exposed to 10-keV X-rays up to a dose of 2 Mrad(SiO 2 ) and 14-MeV fast neutrons up to a fluence of $2.2\,\,\boldsymbol {\times }\,\,10\,\,^{\mathrm{ 13}}$ cm −2 . Changes in both dc leakage current and small-signal circuit components are examined. Degradation in performance due to total-ionizing dose (TID) is shown to be suppressed by non-quasi-static (NQS) effects during radio frequency (RF) operation. Tolerance to displacement damage from fast neutrons is also observed, which is explained using technology computer-aided design (TCAD) simulations. Overall, the characterized pin diodes are tolerant to cumulative radiation at levels consistent with space applications such as geosynchronous weather satellites.
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Key words
Displacement damage,fast neutron,pin diode,radiation,SiGe BiCMOS,silicon,technology computer-aided design (TCAD),total ionizing dose (TID),X-ray
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