Evolution of Homosexuality in the Human Male: Improved Mixed-Team Performance Hypothesis


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Male homosexual preference (MHP) is present in many human societies. Because homosexual mate preferences are associated with lower fecundity, many evolutionary explanations have been advanced to account for the persistence of this trait, with varying degrees of success. After reviewing a number of these hypotheses and finding them lacking, we propose a new hypothesis that depends on the observed greater empathy and reduced hostility of men who express MHP. This gives them a central role in the performance of groups or teams of males and/or females where cooperation and intra-team coherence are at a premium. Teams that contain men with MHP will, we propose, outcompete teams without such men. The links we propose between personality traits and team performance do not require homosexual activity within the group. Our hypothesis is supported by observations of the personality traits associated with MHP, such as agreeableness, which we link to the literature on sports and other kinds of teams and groups. Our hypothesis could be examined through direct study of team performance, enabling the topic to move beyond evolutionary theorizing. We note too that although we set out to develop an additional account for the evolutionary maintenance of MHP, our hypothesis may also have relevance to better performance among the diverse teams whose efficient performance is so important in modern society.
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