Permanent health education with samu professionals educação permanente em saúde com profissionais do samu educación de salud permanente con profesionales del samu


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Objective: to describe the experience of teachers and students in carrying out an extension project in Permanent Health Education with professionals from the Mobile Emergency Care Service. Method: it is a qualitative, descriptive study, type of experience report, lived during seven theoretical and practical meetings, totaling 56 classroom hours. Teachers from three higher education institutions addressed topics related to the main care for people in urgent and emergency situations. Results: nine teachers, two students and 19 professionals from the Mobile Emergency Care Service participated in the project, totaling 30 professionals. Conclusion: it is concluded that the experience was perceived as positive for teachers and students. The importance of extension actions in the academic scope was emphasized, with a view to integrating and strengthening the relationship between Higher Education Institutions and health services; in addition to aggregating, transforming and (re) organizing health practice, affecting the qualification of those involved. Descriptors: Emergency Health Services; Continuing Education; Nursing; Human Resources Training; Community-Institution Relations.
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