Auditing of Filtered Municipal Water Quality Using Deep Learning-A comprehensive IoT based Neural Network Model


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The paramount problem faced by living beings regarding the universal solvent is its salinity and other dissolved solvents. Also being the requisite for the existence of life, its characteristics and composition is to be made favourable for the well being of living beings. To purify the water from the water resources which is not potable, efficient filtration technologies have been developed. The quality of the purified water is monitored through the IOT module in the respective plants. This data is then fed to a Neural Network Model which then predicts the quality of filtration of the particular plant with respect to the quality of the water derived from it. These technologies are equipped to combat the issues in filtration plants and quality in municipal water distributed to homes. Water purification and Quality monitoring and prediction is still is a major concern in research as more efficient water purification techniques are evolving to combat the shortcomings of existing techniques.
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