ofthe lepton energy in the decay B ! X ‘ and determ ination ofthe H eavy Q uark Expansion Param eters

R. A. Briere,G. P. Chen,T. Ferguson,G. Tatishvili,H. Vogel,N. E. Adam,J. P. Alexander, K. Berkelm,V. Boisvert,D. G. Cassel,P. S. Drell,J. E. Duboscq,K. M. Ecklund,R. Ehrlich,L. Gibbons, B. Gittelm,S. W. Gray,D. L. Hartill,B. K. Heltsley,L. Hsu,C. D. Jones, J. Kandaswam,D. L. Kreinick, A. M agerkurth, T. O. M eyer,E. Nordberg,J. R. Patterson,D. Peterson,J. Pivarski,D. Riley,A. J. Sado, H. Schwartho,M. R. Shepherd,J. G. Thayer,D. Urner,G. Viehhauser, A. W arburton,M. W einberger,S. B. Athar,P. Avery,L. Breva-Newell,V. Potlia,H. Stoeck,J. Yelton,G. Brandenburg,D. Y.-J. Kim, R. W ilson, K. Benslam,B. I. Eisenstein,J. Ernst,G. D. Gollin,R. M. Hans,I. Karliner,N. Lowrey,C. Plager,C. Sedlack,M. Selen,J. J. Thaler,K. W. Edwards,D. Besson,X. Zhao,S. Anderson,V. V. Frolov,Y. Kubota,S. J. Lee,S. Z. Li,R. Poling,A. Sm ith,C. J. Stepaniak,J. Urheim, Z. M etreveli,K. K. Seth,A. Tom aradze,P. Zweber, S. Ahm ed,M. S. Alam,L. Jian,M. Saleem, F. W appler,E. Eckhart, K. K. Gan,C. Gwon,T. Hart,K. Honscheid,D. Hufnagel,H. Kagan,R. Kass,T. K. Pedlar,J. B. Thayer,E. von Toerne,T. W ilksen,M. M. Zoeller,H. M uram atsu,S. J. Richichi,H. Severini,P. Skubic, S. A. Dytm,J. A. M ueller,S. Nam,V. Savinov,S. Chen,J. W. Hinson,J. Lee,D. H. M iller,V. Pavlunin,E. I. Shibata,I. P. J. Shipsey,D. Cronin-Hennessy,A. L. Lyon,C. S. Park,W. Park,E. H. Thorndike,T. E. Coan,Y. S. Gao,F. Liu, Y. M aravin,R. Stroynowski,M. Artuso,C. Boulahouache,K. Bukin, E. Dam basuren, K. Khroustalev, R. M ountain, R. Nandakum,T. Skwarnicki,S. Stone, J. C. W ang, A. H. M ahm ood,S. E. Csorna,I. Danko,G. Bonvicini,D. Cinabro,M. Dubrovin, S. M cGee,A. Bornheim,E. Lipeles,S. P. Pappas,A. Shapiro,W. M. Sun, A. J. W einstein, R. M ahapatra


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W em easured twom om entsofthelepton m om entum spectrum in B ! X ‘ ,where‘= eor ,for p‘ 1:5 G eV=c. From these we derive the Heavy Q uark Expansion (HQ E)param eters (M S)= 0:39 0:03jstat 0:06jsys 0:12jth G eV and 1 = 0:25 0:02jstat 0:05jsys 0:14jth G eV ,through order 1=M 3 B in the non-perturbative expansion and 0 2 s in the perturbative expansion. The theoreticalexpression needed to extract jVcbjfrom the m easured sem ileptonic width is evaluated using theseHQ E param eters.Com bined with theworld averageofthesem ileptonicwidth,we nd jVcbj= (40:8 0:5j sl 0:4j( 1; )exp 0:9jth) 10 .Finally,theshortrange b-quark m assm 1S b is evaluated and found to be4:82 0:07jexp 0:11jth G eV/c . Subm itted to the 31 InternationalConferenceon High Energy Physics,July 2002,Am sterdam
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