An agroecological Europe by 2050: What impact on land use, trade and global food security?

HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe)(2021)

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Because of the reduction in the consumption of animal protein and the relocation of plant protein production, an agroecological EU outperforms today’s system in providing nutrients/calories to the rest of the world, and becomes a net exporter of calories by 12% of what it consumes. Indeed, while today the EU is a major exporter in value terms thanks to high value commodities (ex. spirits, wine, cheese, cigarettes and other high processed commodities) that are not part and parcel of global food security, it is a net importer of calories and proteins by 11% and 26% of what it consumes, respectively. No sustainable agroecological transition can happen in the EU without strong policies that: • Support a great dietary transition towards healthier and less calorie-dense diets with less animal and ultra-processed food products; • Maintain EU price and non-price competitiveness in the domestic and foreign markets through agronomic research, a better coordination between actors and a market segmentation for EU “ecologically intensive” agricultural commodities; • Change current market conditions to improve EU protein autonomy through the reintegration of legumes in rotations. N° 07 July 2021 ST U D Y An agroecological Europe by 2050: What impact on land use, trade and global food security?
agroecological europe,global food security,land use,food security
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