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Warmer climate projections in CMIP6: the role of changes in the greenhouse gas concentrations from CMIP5 to CMIP6


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Many modelling groups have contributed with CMIP6 scenario experiments to the CMIP6 archive. The analysis of CMIP6 future projections has started and first results indicate that CMIP6 projections are warmer than their counterparts from CMIP5. To some extent this is explained with the higher climate sensitivity of many of the new generation of climate models. However, not only have models been updated since CMIP5 but also the forcings have changed from RCPs to SSPs. The new SSPs have been designed to have the same instantaneous radiative forcing at the end of the 21st century. However, we find that in the EC-Earth3 model the effective radiative forcing differs substantially when the GHG concentrations from the SSP are replaced by those from the corresponding RCP with the same nameplate RF. We estimate that for the SSP5-8.5 and SSP2-4.5 scenarios 50% or more of the stronger warming in CMIP6 than CMIP5 for the EC-Earth model can be explained by changes in GHG gas concentrations. Other changes in the forcing datasets such as aerosols only play a minor role for the additional warming. The discrepancy between RCP and SSP forcing datasets needs to be accounted for when comparing CMIP5 and CMIP6 climate projections and should be properly conveyed to the climate impact, adaptation and mitigation communities.

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