Gravity Analyses And Crustal Structure Of The Eastern East Java Sea, Indonesia

Agus Guntoro, Sardjono, John P. Steven Guntoro


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Geologically, eastern part of East Java Sea Basin is considered as a frontier area with water depth of more than 1000 meters. Little is known about the origin of the basin and is mostly interpreted as underlain by oceanic crust. Different strong structural orientation from NW-SE structural trends in the western part of east Java to E-W structural trend in the eastern part of east Java Sea is still poorly understood and is currently still a subject of debate. This study used an integration of gravity analyses derived from public domain, interpretation of crustal structure using several processing, surface outcrops and seismic data in order to define the crustal structure of the eastern part of east Java Sea. The results of study suggest that the eastern part of east java sea basin is underlain by attenuated continental crust, which extends to the south of Lombok Island. The continental crust is believed to extend up to Lombok Island as supported by the presence of outcrop deposited in fluvial -shallow marine environment. This brings to the understanding that the area has experienced deformation in the continental crust setting origin, and then followed by basin f illing and structuration in the Late Miocene. All process will provide the requirements for the presence of petroleum system elements in the area.
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