Socio-demographic Variables, Mindful Awareness and Marital Satisfaction among Nursing Mothers in Southeast Nigeria


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The quality of marital relationship has far-reaching implications for the health and well-being of the family. Several studies suggest that socio-demographic characteristics and mindful awareness significantly predict the quality of the marital relationship. Literature is scarce about these studies conducted among Nigerian samples. This study aimed to assess the socio-demographic factors and mindful awareness as predictors of marital satisfaction among nursing mothers in Enugu, Southeast Nigeria. The data for this study were collected at the postnatal clinics and children's welfare clinics of two tertiary hospitals in Enugu, using Socio-demographic Questionnaire, Index of Marital Satisfaction, and Mindful Attention Awareness Scale. Correlation analysis was used to test for association. A multiple linear regression analysis was used to determine the predictor variables for marital satisfaction. The age range of nursing mothers was 20 – 46 years. Over 88% of the nursing mothers enrolled or completed tertiary education program. Higher levels of marital satisfaction were reported in 185 (61.7%) of the mothers. Multiple regression analysis suggested that higher levels of mindfulness and higher levels of educational attainment predicted higher levels of marital satisfaction, while an increase in the level of pregnancies predicted lower levels of marital satisfaction. The research findings may carry significant implications for the role of social-demographic characteristics and mindfulness, awareness in building and sustaining happy marital relationships and general well-being of the family.
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