A new model of seismicity on asteroids implied by the sci experiment of the hayabusa2 mission: insights from the existence of boulders perched on other boulders

G. Nishiyama,T. Kawamura, N. Namiki,B. Fernando,K. Leng,K. Onodera,S. Sugita, T. Saiki, H. Imamura,Y. Takagi,H. Yano, M. Hayakawa, C. Oka-moto, H. Sawada,Y. Tsuda, K. Ogawa, S. Nakazawa, Y. Iijima


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HAYABUSA2 MISSION: INSIGHTS FROM THE EXISTENCE OF BOULDERS PERCHED ON OTHER BOULDERS. G. Nishiyama1 (gaku.nishiyama@eps.s.u-tokyo.ac.jp), T. Kawamura2, N. Namiki3,4, B. Fernando5, K. Leng5, K. Onodera2,4,6, S. Sugita1,10, T. Saiki6, H. Imamura6, Y. Takagi7, H. Yano6,4, M. Hayakawa6, C. Okamoto8, H. Sawada6, Y. Tsuda6, K. Ogawa9,8, S. Nakazawa6, Y. Iijima6 1 Department of Earth and Planetary Science, The University of Tokyo, 2 Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris, Université de Paris, 3 National Astronomical Observatory of Japan, 4 The Graduate University for Advanced Studies, SOKENDAI, 5 University of Oxford, 6 Institute of Space and Astronautical Science, Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency, 7 Aichi Toho University, 8 Kobe University, 9 JAXA Space Exploration Center, Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency, 10 Research Center of the Early Universe, The University of Tokyo.
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