
Performance of New Photovoltaic System Designs

Matthias Littwin,F. Baumgartner, Mike J. Green,Wilfried van Sark


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The goal of this document is to provide a compendium of new performance characterization methods for new photovoltaic (PV) system designs as a reference. New methods are described and explained by laboratory tests up to case studies. While performance characterization is more than evaluating efficiency of a component or a system in certain operating points, the results account for multidimensional usage and benefits. These assessments are intended to provide well-founded and comparable key figures in order to enable new PV system designs to move faster into new fields of application. This report gives a short introduction into current standards and definitions regarding performance characterization of PV systems as a starting point. New PV system components and complex new systems with PV are then described with their respective performance characterization methods. Where currently no performance characterization methods for complex PV systems particularly with multiple functions exist, their design and their performance, energetically and regarding multi-dimensional usage benefits, are presented and described by means of showcases. PV systems are not only PV modules and PV inverters in an optimally oriented system which produce as much electrical energy as possible. Current PV systems may provide a dual or even a triple use. However, as varied as the use of each system and each PV installation is, as different is the approach of performance evaluation.
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