In vitro Anti-Coagulant Activity of Methanolic Extract of Tradescantia spathacea


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Hemostasis, a process of clots formation in the walls of damaged blood vessels to Necessity prevent abnormal bleeding and to regulate intravascular blood in liquid/fluid state of pharmacological and medicinal materia ls f rom plant source is going on increasing day by day due to its safety and less toxic properties. An investigational attempt from plants towards identifying and characterizing new anti-coagulants is worthwhile. In this research we have expected to contemplate the conceivable anticoagulant impa ct of methanolic extract of Tradescantia spathacea by in vitro model utilizing blood tests of ordinary people. In vitro anticoagulant impact of Tradescantia spathacea in various focuses (5-20 mg/ml) was analyzed in the blood tests of typical people by estimating blood coagulating time, prothrombin time (PT) and aPTT (Activated fractional thromboplastin time). The concentrate was found to repress coagulation process and altogether delayed the coagulation time in a portion subordinate way. Further investigations can be done by in vivo models.
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