Information Communication Technologies as Tools to Cope with Stigma: An Exploration of Coping in College-Aged Queer People of Color

Beatrice H. Fadrigon, Courtney E. Smith,Chantelle A Roulston,Juan F. Maestre


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Within the United States, Queer People of Color (QPoC) experience high levels of societal discrimination and oppression as a result of having both a stigmatized racial identity and a stigmatized sexual orientation/gender identity. Despite this, QPoC have been the focus of very few studies, and little is known about how to effectively support this marginalized group. Research shows that QPoC utilize Information Communication Technologies (ICTs) to cope with societal stigma, however few studies have addressed exactly what ICTs QPoC are using and how they are using them. This qualitative study explores common themes in the experiences of stigma for QPoC, what ICTs QPoC are using to cope with this stigma, and how they are using these ICTs. The authors conducted 12 semi-structured interviews followed by a thematic analysis. The main ICTs that participants discussed using include: Instagram, Twitter, Discord, Tinder, Grindr, GroupMe, Tumblr, Reddit, Netflix, YouTube, Video Games, and Texting. These tools were primarily used for distracting and escaping from stigma, communicating and connecting with others, seeking QPoC media, exploring one’s identity, seeking a community, and finding emotional support. Participants reported that these ICTs are effective coping mechanisms, however stigma permeates these online spaces as well, making it difficult for QPoC to feel safe from the stigma they face offline. To address this, the authors put forth several suggestions.
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