Clouds and Aerosols observed during EUREC4A by the UK Twin Otter aircraft.


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The EUREC4A project took place during January and February of 2020 and involved aircraft and ships from Germany, France, the United States of America and the United Kingdom. The aim of the project is to advance the understanding of the interplay between clouds, convection and circulation and their role in climate change. The Twin Otter belonging to the British Antarctic Survey (BAS) has been used to take observations of clouds and aerosols to the East of Barbados in conjugation with the French ATR-42 and the German Halo aircraft. Here we report the preliminary results of the observations made by the British aircraft. These observations will include aerosols from 10nm to 10micron and numbers of cloud condensation nuclei as well as detailed in-situ measurements of clouds microphysical properties. The observations have been taken over a one month period and taken as a whole can be used to provide a statistical view of the aerosols and clouds observed during EUREC4A by the BAS Twin Otter Aircraft.

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